One of the most popular social networks that has attracted the attention of users, especially Iranians, is Telegram. This big platform, which is known as a competitor to WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, was able to make a name for itself by developing different sections and adding new features. One of the most recent actions that the creators of Telegram took, which ironically caused a lot of noise, was the introduction and release of the premium version of Telegram. But what features does this new version of Permimom Telegram have? How to premium Telegram and how much does it cost to activate?

What is Premium Telegram?
Telegram premium account is a new feature that is activated by paying a subscription fee for users. This subscription, which was introduced with a monthly fee of 5 dollars (in other parts of the world, this amount can be different), provides various features to Telegram users.
Although some people believe that the Telegram social network will not start offering subscriptions and charging users, apparently the creators of this messenger have other plans in mind, and by selling Telegram Premium, they are looking to create a sustainable income generation method that can cover the development costs of Telegram. and allow this collection to maintain its independence as in the past.
However, offering a paid version of Telegram, which has a variety of features, has many supporters and opponents, and it is not possible to say yin and yin in which direction this idea will go in the end. However, in this section, we are going to talk about the features of the premium Telegram account and the activation of the premium Telegram account.
Features of Premium Telegram
The premium version of Telegram has removed some of the existing restrictions and provided more possibilities. Some of these changes include the possibility of following 1000 channels (versus 500 channels in the free version), creating up to 20 chat folders with up to 200 chats, adding (only 3 accounts can be created in the free version), pinning up to 10 chats in the list. Main (in the free version only 5 free chats could be pinned) and saving up to 400 GIF files (200 files in the free version) are only part of the restrictions that have been removed in the premium Telegram account.
Telegram Premium also offers faster downloads, access to exclusive stickers, including those with full-screen animations, exclusive reactions, including 10 new emojis, improved management of chats with new tools for organizing chat lists.
In addition, the premium version of Telegram allows you to write a longer bio with a link and more characters, and add a video file to your profile picture that will be displayed to all mobile users. There is also a voice-to-text option, one of the most recent additions to Telegram, to convert voice messages to text.
Even non-Premium Telegram members can still download larger document files sent to them by Premium members and view unique stickers (although they cannot send them themselves).
New privacy and security features in Telegram Premium include the ability to automatically archive and mute new chats. Also, Premium Telegram subscribers will no longer see advertising messages that appear on some public channels and in a few countries. Premium Telegram users are identified by a badge that appears next to their name in chats and member lists and can also access premium app icons.
The difference between premium telegram and free telegram
In this section, we are going to discuss the important differences between the premium version of Telegram and its regular version and see if the cost we pay for buying premium Telegram is worth it.
One of the points that can be easily noticed after activating Premium Telegram is receiving the Verification Badge. In this way, every person or company who upgrades their current account to Telegram Premium will have a blue symbol like what we have seen on the X network (former Twitter) or Instagram, next to their username. Of course, in addition to this icon, users can also use other favorite items.
Another major difference between Telegram and the premium version of Telegram is the size of uploaded files. This means that users who only use the free version of Telegram are only allowed to upload files with a size of 2 GB. If Telegram Premium users can upload files up to 4 GB. The interesting point is that all users will be allowed to download large files. That is, if a user uploads a 4 GB file, all users, both premium and normal, can download the file without any restrictions.
Another issue is increasing the capacity of channels, exclusive stickers, the number of folders containing chats, and the possibility of pinning more chats in Telegram Premium; Things that we don’t see in the free version.
Another important feature of Telegram Premium is Voice-to-text. If someone sends you a voice message and you are not in a position to listen to it, you can see what is said in the voice message in text and text format.
Another important thing to mention is the increase in the speed of uploading and downloading files for premium users. You have probably faced speed limits and sudden disconnections when downloading or sending a file, but don’t worry, these issues have been largely eliminated in the premium version of Telegram, and you can send or receive your information at a higher speed.
How to activate premium telegram?
Due to some problems, it is not possible to directly use Telegram Premium in some regions of the world through the Telegram bot @Premium Bot, and if users want to do so, they will probably encounter the following message.

But don’t worry, to solve this problem, you can use the Toncoin currency and the Tonkeeper wallet to benefit from the features of premium Telegram, but how to make Telegram premium? In the following, we will explain to you the step-by-step steps to premium Telegram.
In the first step, go to and download the Tonkeeper application depending on the type of operating system you have. In addition to Android and iOS applications, you can also use this digital currency wallet through the browser, Firefox, and Chrome extensions.
For convenience, we used the Tone Keeper Android application. After installing and running the program, select the “Get Started” option. In the next step, you need to create your own Telegram wallet /for this, click on “Setup Wallet”.

For convenience, we used the Tone Keeper Android application. After installing and running the program, select the “Get Started” option. In the next step, you need to create your own Telegram wallet /for this, click on “Setup Wallet”.

In the next step, you must create a 4-digit password, we recommend that you write this password down and keep it in a safe place. After completing these steps, you have successfully created a TON Coin wallet and now you can transfer TON digital currency to this wallet to use it to premium your Telegram account.
By touching the “Receive” option, your private wallet address will be displayed to you and you can transfer TON digital currency.

Since Telegram subscriptions are available for 3, 6, and 12 months, each with prices ranging from $12 to $29 (these prices may vary from time to time), you can purchase as many Toncoins as you like and transfer them to your Tonkeeper wallet. give
To buy TON currency, go to a valid digital currency exchange and deposit the purchased currencies to your wallet by registering and buying Coin tokens at the best price.
After transferring the desired amount (depending on the type of subscription) to the Toon Keeper wallet, it is time to purchase and activate Premium Telegram. First, go to On this site, in addition to buying a premium Telegram subscription, you can also buy special usernames and virtual phone numbers for Telegram.
Then connect your Tonkeeper wallet. In the next step, in the username section, enter your Telegram username. Specify the duration of the subscription at the bottom of the page. In this step, click on the Gift Telegram Premium option.

Check the information displayed on the opened page and if it is confirmed, select the “Confirm” option. Note that about 0.01 TON fee will be deducted from your wallet.
Congratulations, your Telegram account has become premium and now you can use the features of this social network without any restrictions.
Buy premium telegram with TON
In general, there are various ways to make Telegram premium, and you can upgrade your normal Telegram to premium by using Telegram premium chatbot or buying TON Coin currency.
In the tutorial that we explained to you in the previous part, we mentioned the purchase of premium Telegram with TON coins and I saw how you can premium your Telegram with the least amount of trouble and problems by only having a digital currency wallet and some tons of currency. .
Download free premium telegram for iPhone
In addition to the regular versions, many popular applications also have paid versions that can be purchased from app stores. Telegram does not follow such an approach and does not seek to use a separate paid version in the store, so the only way to download Telegram premium is to buy a subscription and upgrade normal telegram to premium. Therefore, be careful not to be deceived by profiteers and do not look for free Telegram Premium download and Premium Telegram installation, because such programs exist only to hack information and steal your data on the Internet.
Download free premium telegram for Android
In the previous part, we mentioned that the Telegram company has not put any paid application for download and users cannot access it by downloading the premium version of Telegram, because there is no such version and the only way to use the features of Telegram Premium is to download and upgrade. Telegram is free.
How to disable Telegram Premium?
According to the data available on the Telegram website, it is possible to deactivate or so-called cancel the Premium Telegram subscription, and you can end your subscription whenever you want.
- Using the PremiumBot chatbot: You can end your premium Telegram subscription by using this chatbot and typing the stop command.
- Owners of Android phones: Users who use phones based on the Android operating system can cancel their Telegram premium subscription by referring to their profile in the Play Store and the Payments & subscription and Subscriptions sections.
- Owners of iPhone phones: people who use iOS or iPadOS operating system, if they want to terminate their premium Telegram subscription, they can go to the Settings of the device and select the Apple ID Settings option there and go to the Subscriptions section of the premium Telegram subscription. Cancel
Final Word
Normally, Iranian users are not able to premium their Telegram through traditional digital payment methods such as PayPal and MasterCard. For this purpose, they must use the digital currency payment method, which involves installing the Tonkeeper wallet and then logging into the website.