Windows 7 Stuck at Completing Installation Error Image

How to fix Windows 7 stuck at Completing installation

How to Fix Windows 7 Stuck at Completing Installation

How to Fix Windows 7 Stuck at Completing Installation

If your Windows 7 installation is stuck at the completing installation phase and doesn’t progress, follow these steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue effectively.

Troubleshooting Windows 7 Stuck at Completing Installation
An illustrative image depicting the steps to resolve the Windows 7 installation freeze issue during the Completing Installation phase

Step 1: Access Command Prompt

When Windows 7 gets stuck in the installation phase:

  • Press Shift + F10

Step 2: Open Windows Explorer

Make sure you are in the Windows\system32 folder and then type:

  • explorer.exe
  • Press Enter

Step 3: Prevent Automatic Shutdown

Press the Windows key on the keyboard and turn off Shutdown from the Windows start menu.

A computer screen displaying a Windows 7 installation screen with a progress bar, accompanied by a keyboard. Text on the screen reads 'Completing Installation.' An arrow highlights the keyboard shortcuts 'Shift + F10' for troubleshooting

Step 4: Access Registry Editor

Make sure you are in the Windows\system32 folder and then type:

  • regedit
  • Press Enter

Step 5: Modify Registry Settings

Go to the registry path:


  • Find Setup.exe
  • Right-click and select Modify
  • Type 3 and click OK

Step 6: Install Windows

Once you’ve completed the modifications, proceed with the Windows installation process.

Resolve the Windows 7 installation issue and complete the installation smoothly with these steps. Your system should now progress past the complete installation phase seamlessly.

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