What is Hibernate mode in Windows 11?


Hibernation is very similar to the term we often use in biology. This term indicates a state of inactivity and maintaining strength. Hibernation mode in Windows saves an image of all files and programs opened in the system on the hard disk and then completely shuts down the system.


When you restart your system, it invokes the Hibernation image file and restores Windows to the state you left it in. With this feature, users don’t have to close any programs or interrupt their work. In Hibernate mode in Windows 11, shut down the system without closing any open programs and documents, and then easily restore it when you need to resume work.


What are the advantages of using Hibernate mode?

The biggest advantage of Hibernate mode is that you don't have to shut down your system. You don't have to close all running programs and then reopen them at the next boot.
HamidReza Amrollahi

Let’s say you’re working on a project and you get a low laptop notification and there’s no charger nearby to recharge your laptop. When the laptop battery runs out and shuts down, it closes all running programs and processes. So, if you can’t save it at that moment, all your efforts will be wasted when the laptop turns off.


To get rid of this problem, you can use Hibernate mode. Hibernate mode in Windows 11 saves all running programs and processes in the hiberfil.sys file on the system hard disk and then shuts down the system. When you restart your system, Windows will go back to the point where it stopped from hiberfil.sys file to restore. All programs and files that were running will remain. So, you can easily go back to continue working on whatever program or file you were on.

Read the technique for increasing laptop battery life.

Apart from the low battery issue, you can even use the Hibernate feature to extend your work schedule without closing any apps or files. However, it is better to use the hibernate feature only when necessary.


How to check if Hibernate mode is active or not in Windows 11


Microsoft has disabled the Hibernate feature in Windows by default. So, if you haven’t seen or used this feature in Settings before, it’s probably disabled. To check this, click on the Start menu and then click on the power button.

If you see the Hibernate option along with sleep and restart in the list, it means it is active. Otherwise, you must enable this feature in your system.

You can also use Alt + F4 combination keys to open the Shut Down Window to make sure it is enabled or disabled. Here, you can click on the drop-down list and check if the Hibernate option is visible along with other power options.


How to enable and disable Hibernate mode in Windows 11


There are different ways to enable the Hibernate feature in Windows 11. You can enable this feature by using the control panel, command prompt, and change in registry.


Using the Control Panel

Windows 11 introduced a new user interface that unfortunately removed the old Control Panel power option shortcut. Instead, when you click on the battery icon, the battery settings page will open. There is no option to enable Hibernate using this page. Therefore, you need to access the Control Panel and enable the Hibernate feature from there.


Below is the method of activating the Hibernate feature using the Control Panel.

    1. Press the Win key and search for Control Panel. Then open the first search result

    1.  Click on Power options. Then choose Choose what the power button does

    1. Now, you will see the Change settings that are currently an unavailable option at the top. Next to it will be the administrator icon, which means that you need to log in as an administrator to make these changes

    1.  Click on the Change settings that are currently unavailable option. You will notice that Shutdown settings which were not accessible before are now accessible.

    1. Click on the Hibernate checkbox click on the Save changes button and then exit the Power Options windows

    1. Press the Win key and click on power from the Start menu. You will see that the Hibernate option is now available in the Start menu

    1. If you want to disable the Hibernate option, follow the above steps again and uncheck the Hibernate option. Then click the Save Changes button to disable this feature.

 Hibernate or Sleep is better?

Sleep mode puts the computer in a very low power mode and saves all open programs and files in RAM. On the other hand, Hibernate saves all opened programs and files on the hard disk and then shuts down the system.


Sleep mode is useful when you want to take a quick break and then resume work without shutting down your system. Hibernate is useful when you are away from the system for a while and cannot close your active programs and files.