Scenario: Iran’s Response to a Potential Israeli Attack

In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
“I entrust my affairs to God, for God is all-seeing of His servants.”
(Quran 40:44)


One of the most frequently asked questions today is, “What would happen if Israel attacks Iran?”
Would Israel really be capable of sustaining a prolonged conflict with Iran? Tonight, we will examine this critical scenario in detail and assess Iran’s potential response to any Israeli aggression. Can Israel handle the retaliation that is sure to follow? Let’s explore the possibilities.

Iran’s No-Fly Zone and Defense Systems:

Iran has already established an extensive no-fly zone, stretching from Turkey’s borders down to the southern tip of Bushehr, covering over 80 kilometers in depth. But this no-fly zone isn’t limited to just the borders; inside the country, a formidable array of defense systems such as Arman, 3rd of Khordad, and Bavar-373 have been deployed.

The power of Iran’s defense systems is undeniable. The 3rd of Khordad system notably shot down the American Global Hawk drone over the Persian Gulf. The Global Hawk had five times more stealth capability than Israel’s F-35s, yet Iran’s defense system took it down with pinpoint accuracy.

Moreover, Bavar-373, dubbed the “killer of drones and advanced jets,” has been significantly upgraded. This system will play a key role if Israel dares to attack Iran, ensuring that any aerial threat will be neutralized swiftly. Since the assassination of General Soleimani, Iran has been quietly fortifying these systems across key regions.

Missile Powerhouses Spread Across Iran:

Israel’s claims of targeting Iran’s oil facilities, refineries, and infrastructure reveal a serious misunderstanding of the power Iran holds. Iran boasts 400 missile bases strategically spread across the country. From Tabriz to Mashhad, from Sistan and Baluchistan to Khuzestan, and even in central provinces, these bases are ready to launch 100 missiles simultaneously at specific targets.

Among these missile bases, 50 specialized bases house hypersonic missile technology. All these missiles are precisely aimed at critical Israeli targets: military security bases, Dimona nuclear facility, Zalicha, and Israel’s desalination plants. Remember, when Iran hit Navatim, our missiles flew right over Dimona. If we can hit Navatim, taking out Dimona is an easy task.

While Israel might manage to hit one or two Iranian sites, Iran would retaliate immediately with strikes from all 400 missile bases. Iran’s capability for 2,500 simultaneous operations in a scenario like Promise of Truth 2 is not an exaggeration; this is a reality backed by dedicated missile stockpiles.

Hypersonic Missile Superiority:

Instead of just launching 20 hypersonic missiles, Iran is now prepared to unleash 400 hypersonic missiles on Israeli infrastructure. Israel is a small country, comparable in size to Bushehr, and if these missiles strike, the entire country will be reduced to rubble.

Among the 50 specialized missile bases, each base is equipped with 50 hypersonic missiles aimed at four critical targets within Israel. When we destroyed Israel’s $500 million X-band radar with hypersonic precision, it was a clear message that Iran’s targeting capabilities are incredibly accurate. Israel believed it could hide this radar, but we obliterated it with a direct hit.

Iran’s 400 missile bases don’t even include the mobile missile launchers spread across the country. In fact, most of the missiles fired in Promise of Truth 2 came from these mobile launchers.

Drone Capabilities:

Let’s not forget Iran’s drone power. Both Israel and the U.S. are well aware of the capabilities of Iran’s drones. A piece of bad news for our enemies: several of Iran’s stealth, long-range drones are now equipped with hypersonic missiles. This means we can launch missiles right from Israel’s doorstep. It won’t take six minutes; in less than 30 seconds, the target will be obliterated.

Israel’s frantic requests for more THAAD systems from the U.S. won’t help either. We surpassed the THAAD defense systems a long time ago when we struck five Israeli ships in Fujairah Port. As General Amir Ali Hajizadeh said, our Fattah missile has no counter. It cannot be intercepted, and in the first phase of conflict, it would neutralize these defense systems with ease.

Electronic Warfare:

Iran’s electronic warfare capabilities are among the best in the world. In most operations, Iran has successfully disabled enemy radar and defense systems, leaving Israel and its allies exposed. This is a critical advantage that Iran will continue to leverage in future confrontations.

Security Shocker:

In the near future, Iran will reveal a major security strike that will further consolidate its dominance in the region. Stay tuned.

The Martyrdom of Yahya Sinwar:

Let’s take a moment to reflect on the martyrdom of Yahya Sinwar. His sacrifice for the cause has elevated him to his ultimate goal, but his legacy lives on. A young, capable commander has already taken his place, and many of the operations were already under his command.

Israel is making a strategic mistake by thinking it can derail the path to Israel’s destruction by eliminating individuals. It’s not Yahya Sinwar who will destroy Israel; it’s God’s will. Just as God destroyed Nimrod with a fly, He knows exactly how to obliterate Israel. So, don’t worry for even a second. Israel’s end is near, and the signs are becoming clearer each day.

May we soon witness the day when the sun of justice rises from Mecca.
Peace be upon you.

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