How to fix Windows 7 stuck at Completing installation

How to Fix Windows 7 Stuck at Completing Installation

How to Fix Windows 7 Stuck at Completing Installation

If your Windows 7 installation is stuck at the completing installation phase and doesn’t progress, follow these steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue effectively.

An illustrative image depicting the steps to resolve the Windows 7 installation freeze issue during the Completing Installation phase

Step 1: Access Command Prompt

When Windows 7 gets stuck in the installation phase:

  • Press Shift + F10

Step 2: Open Windows Explorer

Make sure you are in the Windows\system32 folder and then type:

  • explorer.exe
  • Press Enter

Step 3: Prevent Automatic Shutdown

Press the Windows key on the keyboard and turn off Shutdown from the Windows start menu.

Step 4: Access Registry Editor

Make sure you are in the Windows\system32 folder and then type:

  • regedit
  • Press Enter

Step 5: Modify Registry Settings

Go to the registry path:


  • Find Setup.exe
  • Right-click and select Modify
  • Type 3 and click OK

Step 6: Install Windows

Once you’ve completed the modifications, proceed with the Windows installation process.

Resolve the Windows 7 installation issue and complete the installation smoothly with these steps. Your system should now progress past the complete installation phase seamlessly.