Category: Telegram

telegram premium training for Android and ios

One of the most popular social networks that has attracted the attention of users, especially Iranians, is Telegram. This big platform, which is known as a competitor to WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, was able to make a name for itself by developing different sections and adding new features. One of the most recent actions that the creators of Telegram took, which ironically caused a lot of noise, was the introduction and release of the premium version of Telegram. But what features does this new version of Permimom Telegram have? How to premium Telegram and how much does it cost to activate?   What is ... Read more

How to delete a Telegram account in less than 3 minutes

Telegram is one of the most popular messengers in the world and has many users. This application offers many attractive features and is almost a complete and perfect messenger. One of the key and attractive features of Telegram is the saving of all old messages so that you can view the previous data whenever you log into your account. For any reason, you may decide to delete your Telegram account. In the following, we will teach you how to delete the main Telegram account. RaymandShop, World Day products sales center: Tech Gadgets and Accessories How to delete a Telegram account? Deletion of the Telegram account ... Read more


What is the reason for not receiving the Telegram activation code? Why doesn’t the telegram code come? What is the reason for not receiving the Telegram activation code? If you are reading this article, this is your question! Usually, when we want to log in to Telegram, we need to enter the Telegram login code, which is a 5-digit number that is sent to us via SMS, but sometimes, no matter how many times you try, you succeed in receiving the Telegram login code via SMS. In this article, which is written by experts in support of mobile computer software, ... Read more

The best solution to fix Too Many Communities Attempts Telegram error

❓ What is the meaning and cause of Too Many Community’s message in Telegram? Too Many Communities, Attempts  Tries error is one of the errors that users face a lot these days. As you know, Telegram excites its users every day by introducing many features, and the more the roof, the more snow, we all know that the higher the complexity of software, the higher the probability of encountering more errors in the software. It goes, we found out from your calls to the help desk that these days you are dealing with Too Many Communities, Attempts, and  Tries errors. Why do we encounter Too Many Communities error?  Usually, when you ... Read more