Category: Mobile phone software

Showcase and review useful mobile applications for different platforms, along with tips and tricks

turn off all notifications Android

The sound of various notifications at the same time as turning on the Internet is one of the problems that you will learn about in this report by disabling the notifications of various programs. turn off app notifications on Android Notifications, or in other words, notification of disturbed programs, are tools through which we will be informed of new messages, which are mostly sound and vibration. But the sound of these notifications is not always pleasant for each of us and may cause harassment. For example, imagine that you have several virtual network programs, such as WhatsApp, Instagram, etc., that a large ... Read more

How to Send Email from Your Mobile Phone

These days, although social networks have made the messaging process faster; email is still used to send some messages such as official and business messages. By default, there is an email program on all smartphones. These programs have made it possible to send email through the phone. So you don’t need to access the computer system to send an email. In the continuation of this Raymand24 article, stay with us to answer the question “How to send an email”. Keep in mind that to send email with your phone, you must first create an email account for yourself. If you are not familiar with the process, read ... Read more

How to install Apps on Smartwatch

Smart watches are small-sized smartphones that provide you with almost any function you can imagine. These products can take on a new look by changing the Face Watch and show you all the notifications. You can also install apps on these gadgets, but do you know how to install apps on a smart watch? In the future, be with Raymand24 by learning how to install the program on the smartwatch. What are the best apps for smartwatches? Nowadays, there are so many apps available for smartphones that you can’t finish the list by scrolling through the available stores. In the case of smartwatches, the ... Read more

Control the computer with the phone app

Today, we are going to introduce a different Unified Remote Full application, with which you will be able to easily control the computer in a few seconds using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi! You can easily manage and control your mouse, keyboard, and favorite programs and do your work easily. The application Unified Remote Full, which we introduced today in Raymand, its full version, has several selected remotes so that you can choose and use the controls you want for different software. By installing this program on your smartphone and computer, you can manage Windows Media Player, go to different pages with ... Read more

How to transfer mobile screen to computer or laptop?

With the advancement of technology, you can connect all electronic products, connecting the phone to the TV is perhaps the most common type of connecting electronic products, but many users do not know that they can display their phone screen on a laptop or computer. Transferring the mobile screen to the computer is attractive for those who play games with the phone, watch movies, or want to display text or image content in larger dimensions, so if you are one of the people we mentioned or have Another reason you want to transfer mobile screen to laptop, stay with us until ... Read more

8 location-sharing apps with exceptional performance

Although sometimes you may not want other people to know your location, there is also a possibility that you may need to share your location with other people in certain situations. You can share your location using specialized programs that we will introduce to download and install; Stay with us to check the sending location by these programs.   The best location sending programs As mentioned, location sharing can have many uses, but you need to use a secure app to do so. You can check and use one or all of the 8 options presented.   1: Life360 While other ... Read more

How to recover deleted mobile photos!

With the increase in smartphone camera quality, people are also more willing to capture their memorable moments with mobile phones. However, most people don’t think of backing up the photos stored in their mobile phones, and if they are accidentally deleted, they face many problems. The unpleasant experience of deleting images, like the phone battery problem and the sudden shutdown of the mobile phone, is one of the most common problems faced by phone users. If you have faced this unpleasant experience, using phone photo recovery tricks may be the right solution to restore your valuable photos. Stay with the rest of this article to ... Read more

Dropbox is a storage space with which you can access your files anywhere without having a physical memory. Maybe it happened to you that you need one of your important files at a critical time, but you forgot your flash memory. In this case, there is nothing you can do except go home and pick it up.   Dropbox is a storage space with which you can access your files anywhere without having a physical memory. Maybe it happened to you that you need one of your important files at a critical time, but you forgot your flash memory. In this case, there is ... Read more

Flashing LG phones

As explained in the article “Flashing Sony Xperia phones”, all phones may need to be flashed or restored one day. It is much easier and faster to do this with special software, but it is much wiser to leave the phone to be flashed by specialists, because if you make a small mistake in the process of doing this, it is possible to get injured. Irreparably enter your mobile phone. In this article, Raymand technical group teaches how to flash LG phones through LGUP software. Stay with Raymand24 for more information. To restore the LG phone, you need to prepare ... Read more

Flashing SONY XPERIA mobile phones

Required items to flash SONY XPERIA mobile phone 1) First, charge your phone more than 50% so that it doesn’t turn off in the middle of work, which will cause many problems for your phone. 2) Computer equipped with Windows operating system 3) Install the latest version of Xperia Flashing Tools on your computer system. 4) Download the firmware files specific to the exact model of your phone from reliable sites, note that the extension of these files must be FTF. 5) Install a software called Xperia Companion on your computer so that you can install the drivers for your ... Read more