Category: Computer

Control the computer with the phone app

Today, we are going to introduce a different Unified Remote Full application, with which you will be able to easily control the computer in a few seconds using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi! You can easily manage and control your mouse, keyboard, and favorite programs and do your work easily. The application Unified Remote Full, which we introduced today in Raymand, its full version, has several selected remotes so that you can choose and use the controls you want for different software. By installing this program on your smartphone and computer, you can manage Windows Media Player, go to different pages with ... Read more

How to transfer mobile screen to computer or laptop?

With the advancement of technology, you can connect all electronic products, connecting the phone to the TV is perhaps the most common type of connecting electronic products, but many users do not know that they can display their phone screen on a laptop or computer. Transferring the mobile screen to the computer is attractive for those who play games with the phone, watch movies, or want to display text or image content in larger dimensions, so if you are one of the people we mentioned or have Another reason you want to transfer mobile screen to laptop, stay with us until ... Read more

Dropbox is a storage space with which you can access your files anywhere without having a physical memory. Maybe it happened to you that you need one of your important files at a critical time, but you forgot your flash memory. In this case, there is nothing you can do except go home and pick it up.   Dropbox is a storage space with which you can access your files anywhere without having a physical memory. Maybe it happened to you that you need one of your important files at a critical time, but you forgot your flash memory. In this case, there is ... Read more

The best version of Word for thesis

To write a thesis, it is necessary to use Microsoft Word because all the text of your thesis must be compiled in this program. But which version of the Word program will be the best choice for writing a dissertation? Stay with raymand24 to talk more about the best version of Word for the thesis and provide you with complete information. Word is a subset of Microsoft Office Many users think that the Word program is an independent program, while it is not, and this program is actually one of the tools provided in the Microsoft Office suite. This means that you must ... Read more