Category: Windows

How to fix Windows 7 stuck at Completing installation

How to Fix Windows 7 Stuck at Completing Installation How to Fix Windows 7 Stuck at Completing Installation If your Windows 7 installation is stuck at the completing installation phase and doesn’t progress, follow these steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue effectively. An illustrative image depicting the steps to resolve the Windows 7 installation freeze issue during the Completing Installation phase Step 1: Access Command Prompt When Windows 7 gets stuck in the installation phase: Press Shift + F10 Step 2: Open Windows Explorer Make sure you are in the Windows\system32 folder and then type: explorer.exe Press Enter Step ... Read more

Running macOS and Windows 10 on the Same Computer

Tutorial on installing Windows 10 on Mac using the Boot Camp tool If you decide to install Windows on your Mac, you should know that it is possible. In this tutorial, we will install Windows 10 on a Mac with Boot Camp. This app is official and there is no worry about harming your Mac. So stay with raymand24 in the continuation of this tutorial… Tip 1: Be sure to make a backup copy of your Mac with the help of the tutorial on how to use Time Machine. Note 2: Boot Camp tool runs on Macs that have an Intel processor. You can see Apple’s official page ... Read more

Failure to receive Instagram security code

“Unraveling the Mystery: Why You’re Not Getting Instagram Security Codes and How to Fix It” Introduction: Experiencing the frustration of not receiving the crucial 6-digit security code on Instagram? You’re not alone. In this guide, we’ll delve into the common reasons behind this issue and provide practical solutions to ensure you regain access to your Instagram account. Stay tuned for insights into the perplexing problem of “Not receiving the Instagram security code.” Unveiling the Dilemma Sometimes, we find ourselves in need of that 6-digit security code to access our Instagram accounts. Whether it’s due to a forgotten password or Instagram’s ... Read more

One of the important concerns of those who want to update Windows 8.1 or even Windows 7 to 10 is related to the deletion of system information and programs installed on the computer. If you are also worried about this issue, it is better not to miss this exclusive article. In this article, we will teach you how to update Windows 8.1 to 10 without deleting data. Stay with Raymand24. How to update Windows 8.1 to 10 without deleting data As we said, in order to officially update the current Windows installed on your computer to newer versions, you must use the Media ... Read more

What is Windows Professional and what are its features?

If you want to learn more about the capabilities and features of the Pro or Professional version of the Windows operating system, you should not miss this article. In this article, we want to tell you what Windows Professional is and what features it has. So stay tuned with Raymand24. Different versions of Windows Each of the main editions of Windows that are introduced and released by Microsoft after a few years will include different versions. In the past, Microsoft did not have a clear standard in naming these versions and used different terms, but it seems that this problem has been solved ... Read more

The difference between Pro and Enterprise version of Windows 11

One of the common questions of all of you is related to the difference between Pro and Enterprise versions of Windows 11. Actually, what are the differences between these two versions and installing which one can bring a better experience for the user? In this article, we want to talk about the difference between the Pro and Enterprise version of Windows 11 and provide you with important information in this field. Stay with Raymand24 Introduction As you are aware, Windows 11 is currently the newest and latest version of Windows and is directly supported by Microsoft. Just like the previous version of Windows i.e. ... Read more

Training to install and activate RDS with license in Windows Server

Undoubtedly, one of the best and most useful features of Windows Server is Remote Desktop Service (RDS). Although this feature can be easily installed on any Windows server, but how to activate it with a license may be a bit confusing for some people. Therefore, we decided to teach how to install and activate RDS with a license in a dedicated article on Windows Server. Stay with Raymand24. Basic concepts and prerequisites Before we talk about the main topic of the article, it is necessary to understand some of the main and basic concepts needed to better understand the nature of the RDS ... Read more

The best windows for laptops (all models)

An important question that may concern the minds of many users is which version of Microsoft Windows operating system is the best choice and option to install on Lenovo, Dell, Asus or other brands of laptops? If this question has arisen in your mind, it is better not to miss this article. In this exclusive article, we talk about the best Windows for laptops (all models). Stay with IR Microsoft Store. As you know, in order to use all the power and hardware potential of a computer and laptop, a good operating system must be installed on it. In fact, it is the operating ... Read more

Windows 11 setup without internet connection

The easiest way to start Windows 11 without internet   If the Windows 11 setup steps are stuck on the Let’s connect you to a network screen due to the lack of Internet connection, in this case, the Next button is grayed out until a stable connection is established and you cannot proceed to the next steps. Not only in this situation, but also if you need to enter the username and password through the portal to enter the network, you cannot do anything and you have to bypass this step. In this situation, follow the steps below:In the mentioned screen, ... Read more