Category: Troubleshooting Tips

Share practical tips and guides for resolving common issues on computers and mobile devices.

Why is the photo not deleted from the gallery?

One of the most important reasons why mobile phones became widespread in the world was the possibility of filming and taking photos with the phone. Photography is one of the most enjoyable pastimes; With photography, we can record our memories and happy moments for years, and mobile phones are one of our most important tools for this. But sometimes we need free space to be able to take a new photo, and sometimes the photo is not deleted from the gallery. In this article, I will specifically answer the question “Why is the photo not deleted from the gallery?” » We will discuss both ... Read more

3 ways to transfer photos from iCloud to Android phone

If you are planning to move from an iOS device to an Android, you are probably worried about transferring and losing your data to the new phone. Many users who do not know how to transfer their data from iPhone to Android, either ignore them or spend their time transferring this data manually. iCloud is a very efficient system for storing and retrieving your data, however, iCloud and Android are two completely different systems that don’t sync with each other. But how to access iCloud through an Android phone? You need to use a third-party app to transfer iCloud photos to Android. Many people who ... Read more

How to send large files by email?

Many email address service providers prevent their users from receiving and sending high-volume emails. But nowadays, most of the non-text files are very large, and if you only want to send a few uncompressed photos via email, the said limit will be troublesome for you. Fortunately, there are ways to solve this problem and add large files to email, which we will discuss in the following text. How to create a disposable email? How to send a confidential email in Gmail? How to check email validity before opening? Sending high-volume emails The easiest way to include large files in an email is to upload them ... Read more

Forgetting the Gmail password is one of the problems that can make it difficult for users to access various Google services. Fortunately, in case of forgetting the Gmail password, Google has provided users with various methods to recover the Gmail password , which can be used. In the following article, we will discuss various methods of email password recovery.   How to find your email password?   Forgetting the email password has always been one of the serious concerns of users; Because they are usually used to register in different services. In the meantime, forgetting the Gmail password can cause more problems compared to other email ... Read more

Simple ways to transfer files from Android to iPhone

 the advent of social networks, NFC, and other methods, Bluetooth was the best option for transferring files between smartphones. This problem was solved to some extent with the development of social networks and communication channels. However, the problem of transferring files between Android and iPhone phones persists. In this article, we are going to take a look at different ways to transfer files between Android phones and iPhones. What is the best way to transfer files between Android and iPhone phones? The most important issue in transferring files between Android phones and iPhones is compatibility and transfer speed. In general, different methods can be ... Read more

How to fix Windows 7 stuck at Completing installation

How to Fix Windows 7 Stuck at Completing Installation How to Fix Windows 7 Stuck at Completing Installation If your Windows 7 installation is stuck at the completing installation phase and doesn’t progress, follow these steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue effectively. An illustrative image depicting the steps to resolve the Windows 7 installation freeze issue during the Completing Installation phase Step 1: Access Command Prompt When Windows 7 gets stuck in the installation phase: Press Shift + F10 Step 2: Open Windows Explorer Make sure you are in the Windows\system32 folder and then type: explorer.exe Press Enter Step ... Read more

Windows 11 setup without internet connection

The easiest way to start Windows 11 without internet   If the Windows 11 setup steps are stuck on the Let’s connect you to a network screen due to the lack of Internet connection, in this case, the Next button is grayed out until a stable connection is established and you cannot proceed to the next steps. Not only in this situation, but also if you need to enter the username and password through the portal to enter the network, you cannot do anything and you have to bypass this step. In this situation, follow the steps below:In the mentioned screen, ... Read more