Category: Mobile Hardware

Explore the world of mobile hardware, from smartphone components to the latest innovations. Discover tips, reviews, and insights into the diverse realm of mobile devices.

What is a multimeter?   One of the most useful tools available for testing the health of the internal parts of a mobile phone is called a multimeter. This device helps you to easily find the broken part of your phone and replace it. The multimeter has two general types, analog and digital, and the digital version is simpler and better, and we suggest you go for a digital multimeter. How to Test SMD Components with a Digital Multimeter Learn how to effectively test Surface Mount Device (SMD) components using a digital multimeter (DMM) for accurate results. Introduction Surface Mount Device (SMD) components ... Read more

What is Reverse Charge and what phones support it?

It must have happened to you that you go out with your friends and then see that your phone is running out of charge. In this situation, if you don’t have a power bank with you, your cell phone battery will be empty and you won’t be able to use your phone. But reverse charging will come to you at this moment. Stay with Raymand24 to learn more about this technology and the devices included in it What is the meaning of reverse charge? What does charging a smartphone mean? It means that we connect our phone to the adapter ... Read more

Should we buy a wireless charger or not? Review the advantages and disadvantages

It may seem strange, but until just 10 years ago, the idea of ​​a device for wireless charging of mobile phones and other electronic gadgets did not have a very positive technical and economic perspective, and investors were skeptical about entering this field. It is interesting to know that even the people of Cupertino, who in recent years are considered to be the leaders of innovation in the world of mobile phones, were not among the main supporters of wireless charging technology until last year, and recently and for the latest model of their iPhones, they support This standard has been changed ... Read more