Category: Computer Hardware

SSD vs HDD speed test

Replacing hard disk (HDD) with SSD memory (SSD) I bought a laptop for one of my clients, which was slow. Changing the laptop hard drive from HDD to SSD, increased the speed of booting Windows twice by changing only one piece of HDD to SSD. Windows boot time on SSD Hard In our experience, the client’s Windows laptop with hard disk (HDD) was 00:51:40 seconds, and after upgrading the Sony laptop, the load time of Windows was halved, which means it only took 00:25:07 seconds for the device to be ready to work. This doubling of the laptop’s speed is ... Read more

Laptop battery health test by Windows Battery Report tool Using the Battery Report tool, it is determined whether the battery is still able to charge properly or it is time to replace it with a new battery. Executing a simple command that is executed in the CMD (Command Prompt) environment, gives an HTML file that contains information including how to use the battery, estimate the battery life, and its capacity history. To run Battery Report, you must search for CMD in the Start menu Then select Comment Prompt, and select Run as an administrator from the side window. In the ... Read more

How to replace the Lenovo G50-30 laptop keyboard

To replace the Lenovo G50-30 laptop keyboard, first make sure it is turned off. In the next step, according to the picture opposite, open the 3 screws of the door and slide the door out.    In the next step, open the 3 screws related to the keyboard.   In the next step, release the spines on the top of the keyboard and separate the keyboard from the frame.