AI-Powered Image Creation in Bing Chat

AI Image Creation in Bing Chat

Image creation in Bing Chat with the help of artificial intelligence

Microsoft recently introduced the Bing Chat bot using OpenAI’s ChatGPT language model. This robot can create images based on the entered text description. Also, the Bing Image Creator tool can be used through the Microsoft Edge browser. This tool uses the DALL-E 2 language model from OpenAI.

DALL-E is a generative artificial intelligence model developed by OpenAI that can generate unique images and artworks through a text message. AI was first introduced in 2021 and the second version was made available in 2022 with higher quality and better understanding.

Create images using Bing Chat web

To create an image using Bing Chat, follow the steps below.

  • Open Microsoft Edge
  • Open Bing Chat
  • Sign in with your Microsoft account. (If there are)
  •  Select the Creative option

Write the description of the image you want to create in the Ask Me Anything box and press Enter

After completing the steps, the chatbot will use the DALL-E model to create the image you described.

Creating an image using Bing Image Creator

To create an image with the Bing Image Creator feature from Microsoft Edge, use the following steps:

  1. Open Microsoft Edge
  2. Click on the Bing (Discovery) button from the top right or open
  3. Click on the Image Creator button from the sidebar
  4. Write the description of the image you want to create in the box and click on the Create button

5- Click on the image and use the available options to share, save or download the image.

After completing the steps, Bing AI will generate the requested image.

Bing Chat web has an “Explore ideas” tab where you can view a gallery of images created by the artificial intelligence of other users.

If you have already created images with the help of artificial intelligence, these are visible as recent ones on the right. It’s a way to see what you’ve already done.

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